Trust International Insurance and Reinsurance Company B.S.C. (c) 'Trust Re' is a closed joint stock company registered in the Kingdom of Bahrain, with authorised capital of US$ 500 million, and issued and paid-up capital of US$ 250 million. It is regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain, as a locally incorporated reinsurance firm with License Number LII/023 and Commercial Registration Number 11503/July 1981.

All activities are managed in Bahrain Office. Our geographical scope includes the Middle East, Africa, Asia, CEE, SEE and CIS countries. Trust Re provides reinsurance protection to many leading direct insurance companies in its geographical areas of operation, in the form of annual Treaties on proportional and non-proportional bases with a sizable underwriting capacity. We offer Facultative reinsurance in the following classes: Oil & Energy (offshore and onshore), Alternative Energy, Property, Power, Affinity, Cyber, Travel and Life & Health.

Vision, Mission, Values

Our vision is to become "Reinsurer of Choice" and our mission is to be innovative in providing reinsurance solutions and prompt responses, always. Our brand values (Trust, Dynamic, Team Spirit) help shape our image, communicate in a clear and consistent way and influence how we are perceived so that we can push our business forward.

Corporate Social Responsibility
As a multi-cultural international organisation, we at Trust Re are aware that we operate within a variety of cultures amongst diverse communities. The Company has been fortunate and experienced a degree of prosperity over the years. We believe that we should try to share some of our good fortune with those less fortunate. As a result Trust Re has a lively Corporate Social Responsibility programme to support initiatives and ensure a promising future for generations to come.

Internally Trust Re has introduced a Document Management System to move towards a predominantly paperless workplace and we are introducing an extensive recycling initiative.
Nest Investments Holdings Ltd.
Our parent company Nest Investments (Holdings) Limited has been in existence for more than 20 years. Its group of subsidiaries, associates and affiliates operate in over 23 countries in North America, Europe, Africa, The Middle East/Gulf Region and Asia Pacific. The Group's assets surmount US$ 5,100m and its annual turnover is in excess of US$ 620m.

Combining a wealth of industry experience and expert knowledge, Nest operates in the fields of Insurance, Reinsurance, Reinsurance Broking, selected Real Estate Developments, Banking and World Trade Center operations.
Corporate Governance
Our People

Trust Re considers risk management fundamental to managing efficient operations and generating and protecting stakeholders’ value. To ensure an appropriate risk-reward balance in all of the Company’s risk-taking activities, Trust Re operates with a clearly defined Risk Management Policy and a robust Enterprise Risk Management (“ERM”) framework which is embedded across its operations.


The ERM framework is designed to achieve the Company’s strategic and operational objectives, and aligns with the vision, mission, processes, technology, and governance of the Company.

At Trust Re, the Risk Management Strategy provides for:
• Appropriate levels of risk taking via clearly established risk appetite framework and limits.
• Effective risk governance structure through an embedded risk culture with defined accountabilities and responsibilities for risk management.
• Management of corporate risk exposures and maximizing opportunities through identifying, prioritizing, and responding to various risk categories including preventable risks, strategic risks, and external risks.
• Development of a robust internal control framework which includes implementation of risk mitigation plans and development of corporate policies and procedures.
• Implementation and maintenance of effective Business Continuity Management Systems to ensure organizational resilience.
• Maintaining timely and efficient communication and reporting of risk information to all relevant stakeholders.